From the WUU Board—looking toward the future

Looking toward the future: Sunday service times, bringing WUU’s by-laws and governance policies up to date, and planning for congregational input

The Board began this term by setting its own goals, reviewing Rev. Michelle’s goals she has set as an interim, and reviewing/rewriting several important charters and policies. These goals, and more, are now on a timeline that both Board and minister will be following to get us to the eventual big decisions: What decision will we make about “calling” a minister? How will we all work together to continue growing our faith? We will focus on three areas this fall: Sunday service time; by-laws review; and governance review.

Board decisions will not be made in isolation. The process involves engaging the congregation as a whole and relevant stakeholder groups in particular in serious discussion. Decisions will be made following a process outlined by Rev. Michelle and adapted by the Board as follows:

Process for Board decision-making
(adapted from Rev. Michelle Collins, September 2023)

  • Board identifies the issue and approves a process and timeline.
  • An ad hoc task force researches pertinent information and publishes a report for Board and congregation.
  • The task force/board/minister identifies stakeholders for focus groups/interviews.
  • The task force/board/minister conducts congregational discussions in open forums and interviews and publishes results, to include post-service gatherings and Zoom sessions.
  • The task force/board/minister creates and conducts a congregational survey and publicizes the results for the congregation, when applicable.
  • The Board votes on the decision.
  • The Board plans the publicity for the decision and sets up a process for implementation of the decision.

These are the three major strategic planning initiatives beginning in October:

  • Should WUU keep or change our Sunday service time? Watch for a special mailing coming Oct. 5 outlining the process and how you as congregants will be involved in the decision. This process will be discussed at the Oct. 3 Board meeting.
  • How can our by-laws be updated to reflect best practices for future ministerial searches, among other things? The goal is to bring any changes to the congregation in the new year to discuss before voting in February.
  • With a new governance committee in place, how can we improve our alignment with the Hotchkiss Governance and Ministry leadership model? The goal is to propose some changes before a new board begins its term in May 2024.

Actions taken at the September Board meeting:

  • The board approved an updated membership policy which authorizes the Membership Team to be responsible for establishing and maintaining procedures that encourage continued participation and membership in WUU and specifies that congregational leaders be active WUU members, formalizing a practice WUU has generally followed. Active membership includes signing the membership book and making a financial contribution of record to the operating budget.
  • Rev. Michelle outlined the five priority areas she will focus on as an interim and the Board suggested specific actions for each category. Those priority areas include the financial health of WUU, adult faith development and religious education, and reorganizing and reinvigorating the Program Council and ministry teams.
  • Note also that the Board’s three goals, established at the Board retreat in May, are in action now. They include improving Board visibility with the congregation; developing WUU’s core business practices—enhancing well functioning governance, reviewing budgeting/financial practices, and optimizing the staffing model; and developing leaders, including education sessions for Board members.

Board Agenda for Oct. 3 meeting

The Board has shifted to first Tuesdays at 5:30. Visitors are welcome via Zoom or in person and may address the Board with any issues at the beginning of the meeting, 5:30. Note that this meeting may extend beyond the usual 7 p.m. ending time.

  • Chalice lighting, check-in, agenda review
  • A board education session on governance, Chapter 4, “A Map for Thinking about Congregations,” From Dan Hotchkiss, Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership”.
  • Approval of a process for discussion and decision about Sunday service times
  • Safety committee report and updates
  • Review the timeline for decision-making about seeking WUU’s next minister and appoint an ad hoc Board task force to update by-laws relating to ministerial search. This task force will work with the by-laws committee.
  • Create a governance task force to review WUU’s alignment with Hotchkiss and revise policies, procedures, and organization structure as needed.
  • Vote on a personnel charter introduced to the board in September and on a fourth member of the Personnel Committee.
  • Select a board liaison to the Program Council

NOTE: Governance and Ministry (Dan Hotchkiss) is a congregational guide for shared ministry—congregational organization (Board, minister, and Program Council), leadership roles and goals, and how all elements of the congregation work together. Board members are asked to read and reflect on Hotchkiss, and the education sessions highlight important information. When you hear congregational leaders refer to “Hotchkiss,” they are referring to this book.

WUU Board
Linda Lane-Hamilton, president; Pat Russo, vice-president; Les Solomon, secretary; Franz Gross,
finance chair; Katrina Landon, Kerry Mellette, Les Solomon, Melissa Stump, Angela Surber


Contact the WUU Board President: