Happy Halloween at WUU!

by Katrina Landon, WUU Board Vice President, & Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

Small bats, tall hats, and large puppet masters donned their costumes on October 23!  We had 26 people in attendance, all marching in the WUU Halloween Parade led by Kimberly Richards-Thomas & Jennifer Sims! The resplendent Vanessa Jones donned a feather cap and regaled the youngest WUUs with a short Halloween story, followed by a spooky story for the older folks among us penned by Neil Gaiman. In addition, we had one new family attend, and also greeted some familiar faces we had not seen in awhile! One of our littles exclaimed “Hey, where are all the big people? They’re missing out!” Make sure you mark the following events on your calendars NOW for the following “All Ages” events we have planned for the rest of 2022:

Nov. 6:  “Gratitude Crafting” at WUU in the Gathering Hall at 11:00 AM 
Dec. 2: “Yule Sing” at WUU at 5:30 PM
Dec. 10:  A Christmas Carol at the Williamsburg Players at 2:00 PM



Look at all the seasonal fun happening in lower elementary led by Lesa Craig and Marion Wolfe.