We’re now in the midst of our third month of the new hospitality ministry. The first month was a beta test provided by the ministry team leaders, coordinators and a few additional volunteers. Last month Judy and Ty Alexander and their Team One provided all the Sunday morning hospitality, and now Carolyn Greathouse and her Team Two are doing the same. We hope all of you on those teams were or are able to contribute a couple hours twice during the month. With between forty and fifty team members, we’ll be seeing lots of new faces as greeters, guest welcomers, ushers, coffee makers, and refreshment providers. If you didn’t respond to the request to participate last month, we hope the next time your team is scheduled you will arrange to spend a couple hours twice that month to offer hospitality to all who enter our doors on Sunday morning. For those on Team Two, there’s still time to say, ‘Yes, I’m available.” For those on upcoming teams, start checking your calendars to be ready when the “call” arrives asking what Sundays you are available to join your other team members in this ministry.
No matter your official WUU status, if you attend WUU and haven’t received a letter inviting you to participate in a team, please let Lola Warren know. She’ll make sure you have a place on one of upcoming teams. (lolainva@gmail.com).
Remember that children and youth are asked to participate, too – with the adults. How exciting it is to experience our younger generations scurrying around, fixing the refreshment table, greeting people at the doors, ushering, etc.
Thank you all for what you are doing to make us the “welcoming congregation” we advertise on our website.
The Hospitality Ministry Coordinators