January 2023: Welcome, New Members!

From July to December 2022, seven people became members of WUU. We recognized them during the worship service on January 8. Get to know our newest members by reading their bios below, and be sure to offer them a warm welcome to the community!

Susan Elsass

Susan Elsass

Prior to moving to Williamsburg, I spent my first 30 years in Ohio. Ohio is a wonderful place to be a kid, but as an adult I realized I needed to find a bit more freedom and diversity. So, my partner and I sold everything, quit our jobs, bought a pop-up camper and left Ohio. Ultimately, we landed in Southern California. By the way, we were then living with my partner’s 95-year-old Southern Methodist Grandmother (Hazel). My intro to California, Hazel and I had many very open and personal conversations. Wow! California is where I spent the next 37 years spreading my wings and finally in 2019 after 15 years in my last position, I retired from one of the largest diverse Law Firms in California. Due to the diversity of the employees and clients my time with the firm was absolutely one of the most influential experiences of my life!

In 2020 I moved to Williamsburg so that I could spend more quality time with my family. Truthfully this move has been a bit of a culture shock! Early on my new neighbor offered unsolicited information that, “California is full of “Fruits and Nuts”, so I must be happier? Yes, I am happy, but not necessarily happier. It is beautiful here and I am most thankful for every minute I have with my family! After nearly a year of Sunday Zooming, I made the decision to learn more about WUU and attended classes (more Zooming). Today I am convinced I have found in WUU, not “Fruits and Nuts” thankfully, but a new extended family with both open minds and open arms! Thank you all for sharing this new beginning!

Susan Engelstein (not pictured)

Lisa Fugate

Lisa Fugate







Thad Hecht

Thad Hecht

I am from Maryland. I was raised in the Protestant tradition.

After High School I was drafted into the Army and went to college after the service. I have lived in many states, including Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Hawaii and Virginia. For many years I traveled for business and have been in most of the countries around the Pacific rim. My favorite Asian country was South Korea (although Japan is a close second).

I retired to Williamsburg in 2005 from Northern Virginia. I really enjoy the small town feel of Williamsburg. I wanted to retire to a college town with a rural influence since I am a member of the Williamsburg Bird Club, and I am a certified Master Naturalist.

Pam Reilly

Pamela Reilly

As a military dependent, Pam grew up moving to various locations, Texas, Alabama x2, Germany. Her first family settled in her mother’s hometown upon her Dad’s retirement. She kept moving and often, then after marriage, the moving continued; many times around Virginia and Florida and a short stint in North Carolina. They moved to the area in 2004, left and then back in 2012, and have been here since. Her longest settlement to date. She has 2 stepchildren, and 2 grandchildren. She retired from Sentara Williamsburg Hospital in 2021 after 17 years as a nursing educator. She was raised Christian – Presbyterian, but with early and continued studies, her beliefs have evolved and changed. She has been looking for a community that supports her spiritual journey, as well as guide her in worthy purpose in this her retirement chapter. She has attended WUU online since the beginning of 2022 and started attending in person October and has finally stopped crying at the welcoming greeting.

Margarita Riofrio

Margarita Riofrio







Joe Ziarko (not pictured)