Journey to Asylum: Mexico Holiday Traditions

For my family and me, it’s an honor to be able to share some of our customs and traditions from Mexico. December is a very special month because it’s a month of love and forgiveness where we give and receive with family. 

I would go as far as to say that in the whole country we celebrate these holidays in similar ways with some adjustments according to the economic situation of each family. It is a month full of meaning for everybody.  

In Mexico, on December 12, we celebrate the day of the Virgin Guadalupe. On this day families begin to decorate their homes with nativity scenes and decorations. Children realize that the Christmas season has begun not only because of the decorations and lights but because it is time for Posadas, where kids will have piñatas and little gifts. For adults, the Posadas mean food like tamales, buñuelos and ponche. This is the perfect month for family gatherings.

It is also common, beginning on December 16 and ending on the 24th, to see live enactments of the nativity journey. These enactments end with the arrival of baby Jesus during the last Posada. In this last Posada, there is always music, generally a band, and lots of food. People go out with the whole family, and it is a time to give back to people that can’t afford food since this may be their only celebration of the year. 

We also celebrate New Year’s, where people go out to celebrate with the family. On January 3, families eat a special bread called Rosca de Reyes, in which a little baby toy representing baby Jesus is hidden. Whoever finds the “baby Jesus” is responsible for bringing tamales to the next gathering that will be on January 6. January 6 is Dia de Reyes (Day of the Kings), and this is a special day for children because they receive their gifts on that day. Santa Claus, or Papa Noel, is an American tradition that has been introduced in our culture as well and many kids want to meet him and follow this tradition as well.

I hope I didn’t bore you with this and that you enjoyed reading it. I am very thankful for your support, and I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year for all of you and your loved ones. God bless all your homes.

Thank you,