June 2024 Newsletter Column – Renewal

As we step into June, let’s shift our focus to the theme of renewal—a time to embrace new beginnings, refresh our spirits, and rejuvenate our community. This month, with our Soul Matters theme let us explore the many facets of renewal and how it manifests in our lives and collective journey.

Renewal is not just about starting anew but also about rebalancing and realigning ourselves. In these challenging times, finding balance can feel elusive, yet it is essential for our spiritual and emotional well-being. Think of renewal as a way to re-center and ground ourselves, much like nature’s cycle of growth and rest.

Our homes, where we spend significant time, are ideal places to start this renewal. It’s here that our daily lives unfold and where we can cultivate practices that restore balance. Reflect on what aspects of your home life bring you peace and what might need adjustment to foster a sense of renewal. Remember, even small changes can lead to profound impacts.

In our congregation, renewal can be seen in the way we engage with each other and our community. Let’s take this time to revisit our covenants and aspirations. These commitments guide our interactions and remind us of our shared values and goals. Whether it’s participating in a small group, volunteering, or simply offering a kind word, each action contributes to our collective renewal.

June also marks the beginning of summer, a season bursting with life and vitality. As we enjoy the longer days and warmer weather, let us be inspired by the natural world’s resilience and capacity for renewal. May we find joy in these moments and allow them to recharge our spirits.

We invite you to join us in various activities and services throughout the month designed to nourish and renew your spirit. Together, let’s embrace this opportunity for growth and transformation.

Blessings of renewal to all,
Rev. Michelle