Kids & Youth Embrace Mindfulness

by Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

Mindful youth use egg timers to practice slow deep breathing for relaxation

Religious Education is offering a children’s chapel once a month to concentrate on mental, spiritual, and social-emotional wellbeing as one of our goals identified through the visioning circles. Prof. Martha, our special guest star in Religious Education, visited this past Sunday to lead the kids and youth in a mind-body connection for stress reduction children’s chapel. Our next children’s chapel will be led by Prof. Megan Tschannen-Moran, who will guide the children in nonviolent communication.

Through listening deeply to ourselves and others, we can begin to slow down and embrace our 4th Principle: a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Together we can practice listening to the still small voice within, and listening deeply and compassionately to each other. Prof. Martha explained that preparing the body to listen is like being a frog on a lily pad: relaxed and ready to see what is around and within.

With what benediction shall I leave you?
by Mark Mosher DeWolfe

With what benediction shall I leave you?
This: In your life, may you know the holy meaning, the mystery that breaks into it every moment.
May you live at peace with your world and at peace with yourself.
And may the love of truth guide you in your every day. Amen.