Kiss the Ground Film Screening at WUU

by Kanen Craig

Thank you to all who came to the Kiss the Ground film screening on September 22, 2022. We had about 25 people in attendance. We were grateful to invite a guest speaker, soil advocate Don Smith from the Kiss the Ground movie, who joined us over Zoom and answered many questions. A special thanks to David Wilcox for making everything tech work great. If you have not yet seen the film you can watch it on Netflix.

Kiss the Ground is a hopeful documentary discussing the importance of soil health and how it directly affects our climate, water, food, and our physical and mental health. My purpose in sharing this film was to encourage others to take action. You can tell your friends and family of the documentary, you can tell your local government about the documentary and how soil health is an important issue, you can compost, you can buy from local regenerative farmers, stop using pesticides on your lawn and garden, and be mindful of where your food is coming from. Together we can create a better home for all living creatures.