March 2024 WUU Board Report


This month’s board report is a group report—about the Board’s upcoming decision on which ministry to seek after completing the interim term (below; by Linda Lane-Hamilton, current Board president); about the current financial situation of WUU by treasurer Vicki Hall (read to the end of the report please!); with the passage of revised bylaws, about the work now being done to compile, review, and enhance Board policies (by Board member Pat Russo, policies task force chair); and about the congregational meeting completed Feb. 18 (by Board secretary Les Solomon). 

Selecting the Next Ministry for WUU (and Links to UUA Handbooks)

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, WUU Board President

An important role of a UU board is to make the decision about ministry. Last year’s board voted to enter into interim ministry, with Rev. Michelle now in her two-year term with us. The current board will make the decision about the next type of ministry for WUU—either a settled minister or a developmental minister.

To make informed decisions, Board members have read current UUA documents, participated in a call with the UUA Ministerial Transitions manager about these two ministry types, and participated in education sessions with Rev. Michelle and through board discussions.

Usually the Board makes such a decision in January or February, but because of the extensive by-laws revision process and other ongoing initiatives, the Board delayed the decision until this spring.  The Board will now continue the process of making the choice—at the March board meeting, by reviewing the ministry choices and indicating our preference for either a developmental or settled ministry; and by leading information sessions in March after the Sunday service. The final step of the process will be a Board vote at the April board meeting.

The congregational information sessions will focus on which ministry would be most helpful for WUU and why and likely timelines, and to hear questions from congregants. Please read the Spiral for dates of these information sessions.

As a reminder, the February WUU News has an article about the two types of ministries which you can access on the WUU web site.  You can also learn about these two ministries in the two current UUA handbooks—the Settlement Handbook and the Transitional Ministry handbook. Here are the links, and note the extensive guidance and support the UUA provides.

A settled minister—pages 37 – 96

A development minister, pages 46 – 56


Contact the WUU Board President: