March 27, 2022: “Do You Love Me?”


Before the service: You may light a candle for the joys and sorrows in your heart.
Please respect those seeking silence.


Liz Wiley, Worship Associate

“We Are,” by Dr. Ysaÿe Barnwell
Performed by Dr. Ysaÿe Barnwell & the UUA General Assembly 2020 virtual choir

Welcome & Greeting
Liz Wiley

Come, come, whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Whatever your image of the Holy,
Your presence here is a gift.
All are worthy, all are welcome.

Call to Worship
Steve Prince, Guest Worship Leader

Opening Hymn
SLT #23 “Bring Many Names”

Lighting the Chalice
Words by Dorothea Kaufmann
Liz Wiley

From the bottom of my very existence
I am pervaded with light energy,
shining colours to my eye,
warmth to my skin,
inspiration to my soul.
In this unity
of creative sparks
and sparkling creation
life unfolds.
Let us open our senses to the light within and around us
and send it out with shining examples
into the world!

Wisdom Story
“The Dot,” by Peter H. Reynolds
Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

From the Heart
Eve Stump

Meditation & Prayer, Sung, Spoken & Silent
Liz Wiley

Centering Hymn
SLT #34 “Though I May Speak With Bravest Fire”

Sharing Our Gifts
with words by John Saxon

Online Giving
Text-to-Give: 757-500-0688
In-Person Giving: Place offerings in the dropbox in the Gathering Hall.

This week, your contributions will be donated to support the Greater Williamsburg Outreach Mission (GWOM) Community of Care Network, a new initiative to mentor newly housed individuals in our community. This program is being run in partnership with GWOM, United Way, and James City County Social Services. Thank you for your support!

Steve Prince

“Do You Love Me?”
Steve Prince

Closing Hymn
SLT #95 “There Is More Love Somewhere”

Extinguishing the Chalice
Liz Wiley

We extinguish this flame,
but not the light of truth,
the warmth of community,
or the fire of commitment.
These we carry in our hearts
until we are together again.

Closing Circle & Benediction
Steve Prince

SLT=Gray Hymnal | STJ=Teal Hymnal

Post-service conversation on Zoom: Zoom participants are invited to stay online for virtual social time.

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