May 2022 President’s Report

by Les Solomon, WUU Board President

I turned on the fireplace last night hoping that it might provide just the right mood to write my first President’s letter for this term. It isn’t my first dance as your president, in fact, it’s my third time to lead this beloved community. Yet, it’s hard to put pencil to paper—oops fingers to keyboard.

But first, a sincere word of thanks to Jessica O’Brien, Allen Cooke, and Bruce Thomas for their service on the Board. Jess completed 6 years on the Board including serving as President and Vice President, Bruce stepped in to provide compassionate, dedicated leadership as Personnel Chair during his 3-year term, and Allen, for yet another time, said Yes when the Nominations Committee recommended him to fill an unexpected vacancy.

At our congregational meeting in February, you elected our President, Vice President, and Secretary. However, there are many other responsibilities for a board. Fortunately, I believe we found just the right fit for each person. We began our responsibilities on May 1.

  • President–Les Solomon
  • Vice President–Katrina Landon
  • Secretary–Dave Banks
  • Committees
    • Personnel–Franz Gross (Chair), Melissa Stump
    • Finance–Ben Puckett (Chair), Franz Gross, Dave Banks
    • Governance–Les Solomon (Chair), Kerry Mellette, Dave Banks
  • Liaisons
    • Sabbatical—BethAnne Klaver
    • Program Council–Katrina Landon, Colin Miller Moore
    • Montessori–Kerry Mellette
    • Annual Campaign–Ben Puckett
    • Personnel Liaison to Finance–Franz Gross
  • Special video project to interview past WUU leaders–Colin Miller Moore

Given all that we have been through the last two plus years, each of us has a different perspective on life at WUU. For me, I love the way folks are stepping forward to say YES. Dave Hamilton and Liz Wiley are creating new music opportunities for our worship, Katrina Landon is sharing her excitement about a new approach for our Fall auction, more than 25 volunteers participated in a Earth Day campus cleanup, we celebrate an exciting Beltane service on Sunday with the beautifully wrapped May Pole at the center of the driving circle, Lola Warren and Martha Elim are wrapping up a great Annual Financial Campaign, and over in the McGiffert wing, the sounds of children fill the air each weekday as the Montessori program continues to prosper.

And we are reminded of our many losses. Death, transitions to be nearer to family, health decline, and retirements. Many have yet to return to WUU after COVID. We miss their presence, especially our youth and children. Sadly, there has been another loss—the loss of covenant in some of our relations with other congregants.

Being a beloved community takes a village. As each of us works to recreate our new WUU village, your Board will strive to earn your trust, your support, and to communicate as openly as we can about what it is that we are doing. Right now, we are preparing to participate in the leadership retreat to be held later this month to use your contributions during the Visioning Circles to plan for the year ahead. More than 25 leaders will participate in this important event. I look forward to sharing some of the outcomes with you in next month’s newsletter!