May 2024 Newsletter Column – Pluralism

Spring is well upon us! With spring comes Beltane and Mayday, Arbor Day (yay trees!), lots of pollen, and plenty of energy at WUU. The theme this month is Pluralism, one of the values named in the UUA’s Bylaws Article II changes. We talked about all of the values this past fall, and the monthly themes have engaged with each of the core values as well. Pluralism is one that stems from the UU seven principles but is a bit new-ish. However, it’s so true of Unitarian Universalism that it makes a lot of sense. We are theologically diverse places, sociologically diverse, culturally diverse, and have a great diversity of identities as well. This past Sunday, someone asked, “Do all UUs believe in God?” This question really highlights the diversity and pluralism present. Some do, some do not, some believe in many, and some aren’t sure. And it’s not just diversity; pluralism is a stronger statement because it speaks to the welcome and embrace of that diversity. It’s not just tolerance of diversity that you find in Unitarian Universalism; we embrace it and celebrate it.

While we talk about the theological diversity at WUU, I’d love to see exactly what that is! Please take a minute to respond to this flash poll – it’s only four questions. I’ll be reporting the results later in the month. Let’s celebrate the many beliefs that we have here at WUU.

With blessings for our shared journey,

Rev. Michelle