May 5, 2024: “Beltane & Mayday” (Annual May Day Service)


We are committed to being an antiracist, anti-oppressive congregation. We celebrate people of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations. We honor our spiritual connection to the earth and all living things. 

Before the service: You may light a candle for the joys and sorrows in your heart. Please respect those seeking silence.

Opening Music
Arthur Hinds & others, drums

Welcome & Announcements
Susan Fournier, Worship Associate

Land Acknowledgement Statement
Susan Fournier

Chalice Lighting & Call to Celebrate
Liz Wiley, Worship Committee Chair

As we light this chalice, may it symbolize the vibrant dance of life.
The flames of Beltane ignite renewal in our hearts,
celebrating growth, creativity, and the blossoming unity of our beloved community.

Explaining the Invitation for the Elements
Rev. Michelle Collins, Interim Minister

Inviting the Directions & Elements
Members of the Wheel of the Year Group

Sharing Our Gifts
Online Giving
Text-to-Give: 757-500-0688
In-Person Giving: Place offerings in the collection plates as they’re passed during the service.

The collection this week goes to our general operating fund to help cover all of those essential things like staff salaries and building maintenance, as well as the activities that are so important to all of us, from programming to crayons for our RE children. A recorded contribution to the general operating fund also fulfills the annual financial contribution requirement for WUU membership (WUU Bylaws). Thank you for your support!

Offertory Music
“Merry Mayfolk,” written & performed by Arthur Hinds

Teaching about Beltane
Susan Fournier

Interactive Question
Rev. Michelle Collins

Explaining What Is to Come
Liz Wiley

Crownings of Many
Rev. Michelle Collins

“Fires of the Sun,” by Fred Strong
Mayday Singers Ensemble

Dancing the Maypole
Directed by Liz Wiley

Closing Ceremony
Liz Wiley

Thanking the Elements
Members of the Wheel of the Year Group

SLT=Gray Hymnal | STJ=Teal Hymnal

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