News from the Lay Pastoral Care Associates

by David Hopkinson, Co-chair, Lay Pastoral Care Associates

In these pandemic times, many of us are stressed and lonely, dealing with problems and challenges that strain our ability to cope. Sometimes a supportive listening ear can make all the difference. If you could use that kind of support, the Lay Pastoral Associates at WUU are here for you. If you would like to learn more, or access our services, notify Rev. Laura, speak to one of us, or email

The WUU Lay Pastoral Care Associates are a team of (7) WUU members selected, trained and co-led by David Hopkinson and Jane Reilly. We provide support services with WUUs facing intense or extended life challenges. The team operates as an extension of Rev. Laura’s pastoral duties, under her direction and supervision. LPCAs in current form are going into a sixth year of service. We are staffed this congregational year by three new arrivals – Janna Roche, Sean Klaver, and Rio Riofrio – who have joined Jane and David and our other two veterans, Linda Bergmann and Deb Snyder.

Our team meets monthly to help each other with difficult assignments, to get additional training and to be a core of support for each other. We offer weekly support contacts via Zoom, phone calls, or socially distanced outdoor visits for a number of WUUs. We check in occasionally with others who might benefit from our team as their life challenges develop.

We only provide supportive contacts directly. We don’t “treat” or advise on personal decisions but are prepared to make referrals to community agencies or professional helpers as needed. We don’t cross into matters only appropriate for Rev. Laura, nor do we provide services more likely to come from the broader WUU “Caring Team,” neighbors, loved ones or friends. Basically we are trained pastoral listeners who provide a way for congregants to clarify issues in a supportive personal setting.

Visit this web page for additional information on supportive services at WUU.