WUU News

Welcome to the Gift of Renewal

by the Soul Matters Sharing Circle team We are renewed by so many things: nature, each other, memory, music, play, solitude, silence, and – of course – our faith. Through small groups, calls to justice work, worship, caring for one another, covenant and accountability, our faith breathes new life into us. But it also renews us in a way that often goes unnoticed: through questions! Or to be more precise, our faith has a sneaky way of changing our lives by changing the questions we ask. Questions around renewal are a great example of this. For instance, the “renewal questions”…

June 2024 President’s Report from Congregational Meeting

by Helen Hansen, Board President I am honored to serve this congregation as Board President and have spent my first month appreciating the collegiality, seriousness, and dedication of this Board; new members Deb Fabian, Linda Cole, and Eva Burke, and continuing members Les Solomon, Franz Gross, Phoebe Kent, Linda Lane-Hamilton, and Angela Surber. I also thank the “retired” members of last year’s Board who led us through the transition from Rev. Laura to Rev. Michelle – Pat Russo, Kerry Mellette, Melissa Stump, and Katrina Landon. The Board has some important and exciting work to look forward to this year. Board…

June 2024 Newsletter Column – Renewal

As we step into June, let’s shift our focus to the theme of renewal—a time to embrace new beginnings, refresh our spirits, and rejuvenate our community. This month, with our Soul Matters theme let us explore the many facets of renewal and how it manifests in our lives and collective journey. Renewal is not just about starting anew but also about rebalancing and realigning ourselves. In these challenging times, finding balance can feel elusive, yet it is essential for our spiritual and emotional well-being. Think of renewal as a way to re-center and ground ourselves, much like nature’s cycle of…

Farewell to Grace & Maddie

by Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education Grace Morales and Maddie Farris are graduating in May and leaving the UU Circle in good standing. Grace and Maddie have consistently upheld the values of the UU Circle, demonstrating respect, inclusivity, and a commitment to social justice. Their positive impact will be felt long after they leave, as they have helped create a welcoming and supportive environment for all members. As they move forward on their respective journeys, we have no doubt that they will continue to embody the principles of the UU Circle and make a difference in the world around…

Welcome to the Gift of Pluralism

by the Soul Matters Sharing Circle team I wonder how the moonflower feels about its sweet sister, the morning glory. What it must be to know that world longingly awaits another while you must seek solace hidden under a night sky. When the world has told you to hide, it is only the shadows that welcome you in. And while blooming in the dark has its beauty, it’s also a lonely way to live. And who can blame this moon-drenched cousin for wanting to hide. After all, we too know what happens out there in the light of day. We…

May 2024 Newsletter Column – Pluralism

Spring is well upon us! With spring comes Beltane and Mayday, Arbor Day (yay trees!), lots of pollen, and plenty of energy at WUU. The theme this month is Pluralism, one of the values named in the UUA’s Bylaws Article II changes. We talked about all of the values this past fall, and the monthly themes have engaged with each of the core values as well. Pluralism is one that stems from the UU seven principles but is a bit new-ish. However, it’s so true of Unitarian Universalism that it makes a lot of sense. We are theologically diverse places,…

May 2024: From the New Board—Introduction

by Helen Hansen, incoming Board President I am delighted to be serving WUU as Board President beginning May 1 with my vice-presidential partner Deb Fabian, new members Eva Burke and Linda Cole, and continuing members Les Solomon, Secretary; Franz Gross, Finance Committee chair; and board members Linda Lane-Hamilton, Phoebe Kent, and Angela Surber. Together we will prepare for our next transition from Interim Minister Rev. Michelle to a Developmental Minister in 2025. We will be counting on the congregation to voice your ideas and dreams regarding our future and choosing the minister to inspire us. We are always better when…

From Old Board to New Board: Thank Yous (May 2024)

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, outgoing Board Co-president New WUU board terms begin May 1. Thank you to the board members whose terms have expired and who are happily looking forward to other activities, WUU and otherwise—Katrina Landon (who served on the board six years, one as president), Kerry Mellette, Pat Russo, and Melissa Stump. A special thank you goes to Vice-President Pat Russo, who served as co-president and immersed herself in WUU governance work. And thank you to board committee chairs over the busy past year: Annual Giving—Lola Warren and Allen Cooke (with Kerry Mellette as Board liaison); Bylaws—Chris Faia (and…

April 20 Tidewater Cluster Gathering—Don’t Miss Out!

by Dave Wilcox, WUU Tidewater Cluster Liaison The Tidewater Cluster Gathering is coming up on April 20, 2024. Unitarian Universalists from seven congregations, Fredericksburg to Richmond, are converging in Newport News at the Hilton Christian Church, for a full day of fun, learning, worship, and community. If that sounds good to you, please sign up now so that we can make sure to prepare enough food! Sign up here! Your registration of $30 for adults and $10 for youth (with financial support available—just ask Rev. Michelle and she’ll get that set up for you) covers everything: childcare if you need…

April 2024 WUU Board Report

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, WUU Board President It’s both decision time and transition time for the current WUU board. This has been a year of transition into interim ministry and new initiatives. Now, in April, the Board is in transition as the current board terms end and the new board begins on May 1. But the current board has several major decisions left—the important one being the vote on applying to the UUA’s developmental ministry program for 2025, after Rev. Michelle’s two years with us ends. As a reminder, board members presented information to the congregation about “developmental ministry” and explained…

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