Notes from the Minister

Dear WUU Community,

I hope you are staying safe and well in these extraordinary times. First let me say, it has been wonderful to be with so many of you in Zoom worship and lots of other groups and meetings. Each Sunday morning I’ve been scrolling through the little windows on my screen and delight in seeing your faces and names, waving hello, just being with you in this new online space. I’m very proud of this congregation and how we have come together to support one another and our larger community.

But it hasn’t been easy. We’ve been through so much already. It was horrifying to realize that our beloved WUU campus had been a site of transmission for this life-threatening illness, and that dear friends had become ill, some very seriously. I am so grateful that most of our WUUs who became sick with Covid-19 are recovering. But many of us are still deeply worried about our friends, our families, our neighbors, our livelihoods—not to mention the incredible social disruption, on a scale that most of us have never experienced before. It has not been easy, it will probably get harder, and we have a long way to go yet. But, even in these times—especially in these times—your WUU community is here for you. I want to tell you about a few of the ways we’re offering connection and support:

  • TODAY, Wednesday, April 8, we launch ZUUm Time, a midweek social hour. Join Les Solomon and other facilitators at 6 p.m. for an all-ages-welcome weekly hour of chat, fun, and catching up with your fellow WUUs (meeting link: And let me also take this chance to wish all of our Jewish WUUs a blessed Passover. Our hearts are with all who are celebrating this important holiday, knowing how hard it is to be separated from loved ones.
  • For WUUs facing financial difficulties, we can help. WUU has a special fund, the Minister’s Charitable Giving Fund, to assist anyone with urgent, short-term financial needs—just contact me at for confidential help. We are also setting up a new team, WUU For U, to help connect WUUs with resources like unemployment insurance, local food banks, mental health support, etc. Look for an announcement in tomorrow’s Spiral email about how to connect with the team.
  • Medical advice for those concerned about Covid-19 symptoms. Reach out to or call Dr. Camilla Buchanan and you will receive a prompt response. We’ll also be offering a Health Q&A with Dr. Camilla next Tuesday, April 14, 6-7 p.m. (meeting link:
  • Ongoing pastoral care and practical support. Our Caring Team and Lay Pastoral Care Associates are here for you if you need a listening ear, or a casserole. Reach out to to get connected.

What else do you need? How else would you like to help? Let’s stay in touch. Reach out any time. We all need each other and this is a strong, caring community. Take care, everyone!

With love,

Rev. Laura