November 2021 President’s Message

by Katrina Landon, WUU Board President 

Our congregation has faced our share of chaos and tumult these past 18 months, but the loss of both our director and assistant music directors felt like the straw that broke the camel’s back. I understand that many are concerned about the future of our music ministry and I want to assure you that the Board does have a plan going forward which I will briefly share.

Given music is a ministry of our faith, and is a program represented on our Program Council, the Board decided it best for the Program Council to take the lead in gathering congregational input related to the future of our music ministry in the form of “cottage discussions.” In these small gatherings the entire congregation will be invited to envision, in small groups, the future of the WUU to include the direction they would like to see our music program progress. Once the information is gathered we will use it to inform music staffing and develop an inspirational music program. We hope to complete this process by early spring.

In closing, please remember we need to provide opportunities for the entire congregation to be involved in deciding the future of our music ministry. Please support this process by participating in our small group discussions, and by being patient as we gather this important information. 

Meanwhile, there are so many talented people in our midst who look forward to the opportunity of performing while we complete this process. Let us use this time to support our own WUU musicians and friends. Should you wish to perform, please contact the office at