November 27, 2022: “Buddhism and Change”


We are committed to being an antiracist, anti-oppressive congregation. We celebrate people of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations. We honor our spiritual connection to the earth and all living things. 

Before the service: You may light a candle for the joys and sorrows in your heart.
Please respect those seeking silence.


Nan Hart, Worship Associate
Katrina Landon


Welcome & Greeting
Nan Hart

Come, come, whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Whatever your image of the Holy,
Your presence here is a gift.
All are worthy, all are welcome.

Call to Worship
John Chowning, Guest Worship Leader

Opening Hymn

Lighting the Chalice
Nan Hart

We light this chalice,
the beacon that calls us,
To love
To justice
To a deepening of the spirit.

Wisdom Story
“The Road Not Taken,” by Robert Frost
Kate McGaw

Blessing the Children
SLT #413 “Go Now in Peace,” by Natalie Sleeth (adapted)

Go now in peace, go now in peace.
May the spirit of love surround you.
Everywhere, everywhere, you may go.

Meditation & Prayer, Sung, Spoken & Silent
Nan Hart

Sharing Our Gifts
Online Giving
Text-to-Give: 757-500-0688
In-Person Giving: Place offerings in the dropbox in the Gathering Hall.

Twice a month we Share the Plate with local organizations that provide a much-needed service to our community. It offers us an opportunity to extend our compassion to others in need. This week, your contributions will go to Hampton Roads Refugee Relief (HR3), whose mission is to promote the independence and wellbeing of refugees resettling in Hampton Roads. HR3 helps build stronger communities from Williamsburg to the Southside by connecting refugee families to needed resources, providing educational support, and distributing donated household goods. Your support allows them to continue welcoming our newest neighbors with care and compassion, as they assist them in becoming independent, contributing members of our community. Your generosity means everything to these families who have endured such hardship. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Offertory Music
“Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” by Pete Seeger
John Chowning & Katrina Landon

Dharma Talk
“Buddhism and Change”
John Chowning

Closing Hymn

Extinguishing the Chalice
Nan Hart

We have basked in the warmth and beauty
of this flame and this community.
As the chalice flame is extinguished,
let us carry its glow within.
Let us kindle new sparks within these walls and beyond.

John Chowning

SLT=Gray Hymnal | STJ=Teal Hymnal

Post-service conversation on Zoom: Zoom participants are invited to stay online for virtual social time.

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