November WUU Presidents’ Report—Sunday Service Time, By-laws, and Policies—and Board Agenda

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, president; Pat Russo, vice-president

Much of the board’s work this month has been with active task forces focusing on congregational conversations and what might be called “infrastructure streamlining.”

Sunday Service Time

Facilitated by Rev. Michelle, board members, and a few team chairs, WUU members engaged in discussion and a survey about the best time for the Sunday service. In October more than 80 WUUs participated in three general discussions (open to all) and in seven “stakeholder” groups, including choir, worship associates, membership team, and RE committee members.

We learned a lot—who our early and late risers are, how health/caring-related needs affect preferences, how keeping the 10 a.m. time or moving it would affect Worship Associates, membership team, and others, and that our families reveal a wide variety of “best times” for them, not necessarily later times. We learned that many of us do not like really early or really late service times.

The survey now online (with a deadline of Nov. 1—today) will give us a good idea of individual preferences, and the board will discuss the results, the guidelines about what’s important to consider, and make its recommendation about whether to continue the current time or make a change.

WUU Governance—By-Laws Revisions

During an interim ministry, a congregation is asked to review by-laws and make necessary changes before deciding on a ministerial search. In addition, current governance trends across the denomination guide boards to simplify by-laws and move specifics to policy statements instead.

The board found many areas needing change or simplification. As a result, a board task force (Linda Lane-Hamilton, Phoebe Kent, and Les Solomon) began the process by suggesting changes relating to the membership and ministerial searches. WUU’s By-Laws Committee, Chris Faia and Lola Warren, are working with the board for those changes and other changes that affect WUU governance.

Who decides on by-laws changes? The board and by-laws committee direct the process, but the congregation votes to approve at the Feb. 18, 2024, Annual Meeting. In December, the board will decide which changes to move on for congregational discussion and decisions. We will plan ways for congregational input, most likely including listening sessions.

WUU Governance—Organizing Our Policies

In 2013, WUU adopted the Hotchkiss Policy Model of Governance. Now, it’s time to review all of WUU policies, organize them for ease in finding them, review them for continued relevance, and identify any policy voids. A policies task force has started the process to organize and update our policies. This task force—Pat Russo, Les Solomon, Susan Fournier, and Lola Warren—have begun the first phase of this work.

Non-Board Items of Interest

  • Let’s hear it for Katrina Landon and the Bakers’ DUUzen who raised $1000+ in their first-ever bake sale. This is not your grandmother’s bake sale—there were soups, casseroles, vegan and vegetarian meals, plus the great selection of sweets and treats. These sales will be a continuing (we hope) feature for WUU the last Sunday of each month.
  • And let’s hear it for our First Sunday lunch teams—with a full sit-down meal prepared in October (and the next one this week, the first Sunday in November) by chef Jessica O’Brien and her team of helping hands. Future lunches are being prepared by various WUU groups, with the December lunch being prepared by Rev. Michelle and John.
  • Rev. Michelle is leading a Zoom membership orientation around welcoming and integrating visitors and new members—not only for WUU’s membership team but for others in our seven-congregation Tidewater Cluster. Anyone can attend—the Zoom link is on the Williamsburg UU events calendar for this Thursday, Nov. 2, from 4:30 – 6:30.
  • WUU is now recognized as a living wage congregation at the second-highest level (Tier 1) based on the fair wages we pay our staff, including our child care-givers (William and Mary students). We now have a certificate and “digital badge” we can place on our web site which can be linked to the living wage website Thanks for Chris Faia for finding out about Living Wage and for Franz Gross for making the application.

Board Agenda for Nov. 6 (Monday), 5:30 (tentative)

5:30 Chalice lighting and check-in (Kerry Mellette)

5:40 Sunday service time change: power-point presentation of results (Rev. Michelle) (10 minutes)

Board round table discussion: what surprised you or what did you learn from this data; based on the data, what is the start time best for the congregation (20 minutes)

Motion for a vote (10 minutes)

6:20 Board evaluation of the process used to make the time change decision (Rev. Michelle) (10 minutes)


6:35 Motion to establish an annual giving/stewardship task force for the 2024-2025 pledge drive (Franz Gross) (15 minutes)

6:50 Overview of proposal and process for WUU By-Laws changes (Linda Lane-Hamilton) (15 minutes)

7:05 Extinguish chalice/end Zoom


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