October 2022 President’s Report

I like to spend a bit of time in each report for some personal reflections. This month, it’s about the Three Stooges. For more than five years, two cockapoos named Curly and Mo have been a part of our household. On walks, folks knew that they had permission to call us the Three Stooges. Last week, we said goodbye to Mo due to his failing health. Jo, Curly, and I are doing well with this adjustment, though we do miss Mo’s infectious smile, his loving nature, and the fact that we knew that the rest of us were just a bit smarter than he was. I have been reluctant to engage in theological discussions about a dog’s afterlife; however, I do know that his suffering is over and our lives will be just a bit less stressful.

Welcome!! One of the September highlights was to attend the newcomer’s class, led by Peter and Trenna with support from Angela and Katrina. For those of us who “found” WUU years ago, it’s easy to forget how exciting it was to discover a community such as ours. Sharing personal life journeys, asking such interesting questions, etc. are exhilarating. And yesterday, Lisa Fugate, Susan Engelstein, Margarita Riofrio and Joe Ziarko signed the membership book. By the way, this membership class is open to one and all. We have much to learn about our journey together.

Board Decisions. Your Board met last week and addressed the following:

  • Recognizing that the Strategic Plan 2018-21 has expired so that we can focus on the Visioning Circle goals through June 2023.
  • Providing a bit more clarity about the responsibilities of the Board’s Executive Committee.
  • Adopting the Governance Committee’s proposal for the conduct of the 5-year evaluation of the Board, the Minister, and our program goals.
  • Discussing the importance of marketing with respect to our strategy out of Covid. As a result of this discussion, you will soon see some changes to our Internet site and our work to let the outside community know a bit more about us. For the first time in several months, the Virginia Gazette’s Saturday section on Sunday worship events will feature a customized WUU ad rather than the same ad week after week. We will be looking for additional ways to grow our congregation.

Support our LGBTQ+ friends. Our Social Justice activists have reminded us of the need to add our voices opposing the terrible new policies that Virginia Department of Education is proposing. Rev. Sherman, First UU Richmond, explains why it is so important for UUs to respond to this mistreatment of transgender students in the state’s public schools. There are hundreds of comments on this site and it’s interesting to read how Virginians are viewing this issue. Two options: Check out https://townhall.virginia.gov/L/comments.cfm… or use this simple form to express your concern.

Finally, I would be remiss if I forgot to mention that we have a new WUU formula. Einstein would be impressed! If you need a hint on the “3T,” what are the three T’s that are so important to the WUU community (Time………)?

Respectfully submitted:

Les Solomon, Board President
October 2022