October 2023 Report on Religious Education at WUU

by Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

Water Relay Fun! 

The upper elementary group celebrated the importance of water communion in our Unitarian Universalist tradition.

Pictured above, our volunteer teacher Kimberly Richards-Thomas leads the group in a water relay on the playground.

We believe in the importance of fun and play.

Jamestown 4-H 

Kids and adults together gathered at Jamestown 4-H to explore nature. Together, we went on a nature walk and used binoculars to explore our surroundings. We greeted a tree over 400 years old!

The kids went fishing and the fish practically leapt onto the hooks before being released. Pictured below, smiling children enjoy the day out learning how to fish.

Yoga for Kids at WUU

Kids of all ages gathered to stretch on the yoga mat. We took turns teaching and learning, and everybody tried something new. Both spiritually and literally we practiced our flexibility, and ended the day by everybody picking a treasure from the treasure box. Thank you to all who attended.

Banned Books Week

To acknowledge the start of Banned Books Week 2023, WUU’s Welcoming Congregation dedicated our newly created Banned Books library after the service on October 1. Those of you who have donated books will have the chance to write a brief dedication in the books you have donated. Also…please take a minute to read this information about Banned Books Week and why it is so crucial we step up to help stem the tide of this dangerous book banning sweeping the nation. For those who would like to be more involved, the Welcoming Congregation is organizing a “field trip” on Saturday, October 7th to Barnes and Noble New Town to make our presence known and buy Banned Books. Kate McGaw will have lots of titles to choose from. Meet at the store (rear parking lot) at 11 am. Please contact Kate at Katemcgaw1@gmail.com if you would like to take part (and/or have more ideas!!).