September 2024 Newsletter Column – Invitation

Welcome back! As we return from the quieter, reflective days of summer, we are invited to embrace a season of invitation—both as individuals and as a community. The practice of invitation is more than a simple gesture; it’s a profound spiritual discipline that calls us to be open, welcoming, and curious about what lies ahead.

As individuals, each of us is invited to listen deeply to what our lives and our world are calling us toward. Perhaps you’re being invited to connect with a neighbor, to explore a new passion, or to dive deeper into your own spiritual journey. What is life inviting you to discover, to question, or to embrace in this new season?

In a broader sense, our congregation is also being invited. As we gather again, we must ask: What is our collective purpose in the year ahead? How might we, as a spiritual community, extend our invitation to those who have not yet found us, to those who are seeking a place of belonging and transformation?

This year, I invite us all to consider how we can embody the practice of invitation—not just in word, but in deed. How can we invite more compassion, justice, and love into our lives and into our shared work? Let us step into this new season with hearts open to the possibilities that await, and with a willingness to be transformed by the invitations we choose to accept.

Blessings as we embark on this journey together.

Rev. Michelle