Service, September 20, 2009

“Living in Harmony with the Earth” by Rev. Jennifer Ryu

The perspective of the Iroquois Nation can be found in the US Constitution and in the democratic ideals of our country’s founders.  Sadly, we have not grasped one of their most basic visions: “In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation…”  The average American barely looks at the impact of his/her actions on the next person or the next day. We live as though life is meant just for us.  As Unitarian Universalists, we covenant with each other to promote the 7th Principle: that life isn’t just for us and ours, because we are connected in a web that includes everything.

Members of the Green Sanctuary Task Force shared their passionate testimonies with us.
Karen Richardson shared her soulful voice and upbeat piano music at both services.
