Social Justice Initiatives

Black Lives Matter – Why It’s Important
Join the local Black Lives Matter Facebook Group to Stay Informed

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is neither racist nor terrorist. Three Black women who are also in the LGBTQ community founded BLM in the wake of the Trayvon Martin murder. In their words, “BLM is a call to action and a response to the virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society.”

Some of this racism was government sponsored. Just go back to the post war years, when Pres. Eisenhower created the Interstate Highway system. Highways–often elevated– were directed through cities where black neighborhoods were bulldozed or divided in the name of urban renewal. White people saw the chance to use the new highways as commuting routes and moved into tract housing in surrounding counties–for which low interest FHA backed loans made purchase easy–taking their tax base with them. Factories followed relocating to open farmland or overseas. Strapped for tax revenue and ignored by state capitals the inner cities–now housing a largely Black population–deteriorated into what we have today: populations of Americans trapped in poverty, joblessness, poorly housed, without health benefits, in neglected schools. This is the real situation that the Black Lives Matter movement is calling to the attention of White Americans; it is a cry of moral outrage against White indifference. Government policies helped create the problem and government can help correct it. WUU is called to be a prophetic voice for the changes needed to bring the benefits of the wealthiest nation on Earth to all of its citizens.

uua_mosaicmakers_logo_1000px_300dpi_rgbMosaic Makers
Are you uncomfortable when talking with people who don’t look like you? Or who were raised in a culture you do not understand? Perhaps you feel awkward and afraid of saying something inappropriate? You are not alone. This is why Jennifer Ryu, our minister from 2009-5, established the Mosaic Makers Team last year and why the WUU Board adopted this resolution:

WUU are an open, welcoming congregation with no intentional barriers to membership that exclude individuals based on race, color, sexual orientation, economic resources or degree of education. Yet there are sometimes unintentional barriers, which act as obstacles to growth and diversity. Thus, for WUU to increase their role as a vital, effective force for liberal theology and social justice in our community, the WUU Board resolves that we: Raise the importance of multiculturalism within our congregation so that our questions and actions are viewed through this prism.

Mosaic Makers Team members will work with our various Ministry Teams to explore ways of implementing this resolution. We will sponsor various programs throughout the year for the congregation. Please meet up with us during coffee hours to learn more: Jessica O’Brien, John Whitley, Steven Sharp, Melanie Williams, Lou Seyler and Wayne Moyer. Or email for more information.

fishWUU Youth Love uu love FISH
Each month this year we are asking our WUU young people to donate to FISH, the local group that provides food to families in need.
Some children in our schools may not have enough to eat at home — you can help! Each month we will ask you to bring a different food item for the families in Williamsburg who need it. We will name a “food of the month,” a suggestion only. Anything that a young person would like to eat and is healthy and is in a can, box or jar and has a current “best before …” date is perfect!
The FISH wagon is by the front door of the narthex and there will be a green bucket there as well for you to put your food in.  A church volunteer will take the food to FISH each week
Let’s fill the bucket!!!!  Thank you all!!!!