Springing Into Action–The WUU Activities Fair

March 17 was our WUU Activities Fair–the place to be if you want to get involved at WUU but don’t know how or where. And it’s not too late to get involved! If you’d like to sign up for small groups, social justice teams, or any of our committees and ministry teams, just email the office at office@wuu.org and we’ll help you get connected.

This year’s Activities Fair featured twenty-two opportunities for WUUs to share our talents and interests. Each activity was identified by posters and table displays, with representatives available to chat and answer questions. Not only was this a learning opportunity–it was fun! Each table featured information and yummy snacks. The Fair was an opportunity for individuals to find a place to add their voices and talents at WUU. Thanks to all who participated in this special day!

The colorful activity posters from the Fair will be featured on the Information Wall, behind the Social Justice Table, on a rotating basis. This is another way we can help members, friends and visitors learn about the many ways WUUs work together to make this a Welcoming, Witnessing, Worshiping Community.