Coming Soon: New Sunday Schedule

What’s happening when? The new Sunday schedule will launch on Sunday, September 8, with all-ages Water Communion services, special music, and a pancake breakfast in between the services. Don’t miss it!   First service: 9-10 a.m., featuring music from our WUU solo performers of all ages. Middle Hour: 10-11:15 a.m., with religious education classes for children & youth. We’ll also …

WUU Special Announcement: Breeze Is Ready for You!

Dear WUUs, Breeze is ready for you! There’s been quite a bit of ‘behind the scenes’ work going on with our Breeze software.  Since last August, WUU has moved many of our congregation management functions to Breeze, including our membership database, pledge and donation data, event calendar, and RE attendance. In addition, some WUU ‘early adopters’ have been using Breeze for a number of months and the …

Annual Giving Campaign Making Progress

As of this writing we have received $301,433 in total pledges from 94 pledgers.  We have reached 73.% of our goal of $410,000.  Of those who have pledged, 86% have pledged at least the same amount as last year, with 57% increasing their pledge.  Overall the average increase in pledge is more than 8%.  THANK YOU to everyone who has …

Annual Giving Campaign Under Way

If you attended WUU on March 3, you experienced an inspiring message from Rev. Laura as welaunched our annual giving campaign. The annual giving table will be available in the gatheringhall throughout the campaign.