The Larger UU World

By Dave Wilcox

Our Williamsburg UU community is filled with many amazing people and there are plenty of meaningful ways that we can invest our energy and find sustenance within the confines of our congregation. Here, however, I’d like to shine some light on opportunities that we have to connect with the larger UU world. There are innumerable ways that we can benefit from participating with the UUA, our Southern Region, and our local Tidewater Cluster. In addition, there are many other UU opportunities that people from WUU enjoy each year. I’ll share a few of them here.

The Unitarian Universalists Association (UUA)

The UUA is supported by more than a thousand independent member congregations, including WUU. We govern ourselves, but we look to the UUA for help with all sorts of things, including support for ministers, books, the UU World magazine, religious education curriculum, social justice coordination and lots more. Every year the UUA gathers for a General Assembly (GA) to conduct business and provide an opportunity for thousands of UUs to worship and work together. This year GA is in Providence, RI from June 24 to 28. While anyone can attend, WUU can designate up to five delegates to represent and vote for us at the meeting. If you would like to serve as a delegate, let me know at WUU will cover the registration fee for up to five voting delegates! You can even attend remotely using the online option.


The UUA Southern Region

WUU is within the UUA Southern Region. That means that we have a group of UUA staff members who are specifically dedicated to supporting WUU along with other congregations in our region. They are there to help us in all sorts of areas, including leadership development, mission/vision processes, long-range planning, conflict transformation, financial questions, and building/personnel issues. For example, they lead training workshops such as the Extended Leadership Experience being offered in our area this spring. Stay informed about events in the region via their e-newsletter, Facebook page, and Facebook group.


Tidewater Cluster

Even closer to home, we are part of the Tidewater Cluster, along with our six neighboring congregations; Fredericksburg, Richmond, Glen Allen, White Stone, Newport News, and Virginia Beach. The Tidewater Cluster’s mission:

As a cluster of seven UU congregations in eastern Virginia, we share knowledge, skills, and resources in order to strengthen our individual congregations and increase our collective influence in promoting UU principles both in the Commonwealth of Virginia and throughout our nation and the world.

Each year one of the Cluster congregation hosts a Cluster meeting where we gather to worship together, share ideas, and enjoy fellowship. Our next meeting will be in Virginia Beach. Connecting with other congregations in the Cluster is a wonderful way to tap into local UU resources. Working together brings us together!

Some Additional UU Resources

SUUSI – Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute

In July each year about a thousand UUs flock to Cullowhee, North Carolina, a beautiful mountain town for a week to “explore our interconnectedness, delight in the outdoors, enjoy music and learn new ways of seeing our world and each other.” Jessica Sapalio would love to tell you more about The Mountain!

The Mountain
Nestled high in the Appalachian mountains of NC, The Mountain is a UU retreat and learning center that hosts a variety of workshops and conferences. Several of our WUU youth have found a second home at its summer MountainCamp where they can learn and grow within an inclusive, non-competitive environment surrounded by nature. Rebecca Delbos would love to tell you more about The Mountain!

Star Island
Off the coast of New Hampshire, remote and scenic Star Island hosts a number of programs that have been life-changing for some at WUU. WUU member Roger Baldwin would love to tell you more about Star Island!