Transitions—Interim Minister Search Committee

The process of matching with interim minister candidates began in earnest on May 1st and the committee is busy preparing our process for the candidates who select us. We will review their profiles, ask for additional information and interview candidates in May. We hope to be able to recommend a candidate after the first round of interviews. If not, we will enter a second round. We expect to welcome our new interim minister on August 1.

A reminder—unlike the selection of a Settled Minister when the candidate is elected by a congregational vote, the final recommendation for the new Interim Minister is made by our board.

The new board is now reading about what happens during an interim ministry and how it differs from a settled ministry (from In the Interim: Strategies for Interim Ministers and Congregations by Barbara Child and Keith Kron).

Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey, sent us information or suggestions for the profile and supported this effort. We are pleased with how it’s coming together and will keep you posted on any notable progress. There is an email specifically for communications about this topic: