Transitions—New Board on May 1

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, WUU President

Front row, L to R: Pat Russo, VP; Linda Lane-Hamilton, President; Franz Gross, Finance Chair; Les Solomon, Secretary. Back row, L to R: Kerry Mellette, Phoebe Kent, Angela Surber, Melissa Stump, Katrina Landon

WUU’s new board term began May 1, with a transition made easier by several new policies enacted by the previous board. Four new board members were elected in February. These four became “ad hoc” board members for the next two months—attending and participating in all board meetings and discussions but without a vote. This participation—call it an apprenticeship of sorts—allowed new members to learn the issues, become acquainted with continuing board members, and become familiar with board processes. For example, ask a board member what a “huddle” is!

We know this coming year will be unusual, with a transition from Rev. Laura’s ministry to an interim ministry, and with an evaluation of who we are as a congregation, what we can support in our volunteer hours and finances, and what we can hope for individually and as a community. We do know that our average Sunday attendance has grown and that new members are filling our Starting Point orientation classes, signing the membership book, and becoming engaged. We know that WUU has a revitalized energy and hope for the future.

Here is the 2023-2024 board (terms of president, vice-president, and secretary are one year):

Linda Lane-Hamilton (new)—President
Pat Russo (new)—Vice-President; Chair of Personnel Committee
Les Solomon—Secretary
Franz Gross—Chair of Finance Committee
Phoebe Kent (new)
Katrina Landon
Kerry Mellette
Melissa Stump
Angela Surber (new)

Linda and Pat will be working collaboratively. Communication to the president should go to both Linda and Pat at, or to both their personal emails, found in the WUU
Directory in Breeze.

We thank those board members who have completed their terms—Dave Banks, secretary; Colin Miller-Moore, our first youth representative; BethAnne Klaver, who has served as secretary and link to the strategic plan; and Ben Puckett, WUU’s Finance Chair for several years. Their board terms were marked by Covid, Rev. Laura’s sabbatical of four months and subsequent resignation, and the realities of our post-Covid “new normal.” Boards the past few years have had to be agile, flexible, wise, and connected to the congregation and each other when connections were difficult. We can all be thankful for their service.

Les Solomon remains on the board but completes his year a president, one in which the board conducted a 5-year evaluation, applied the goals set during the Visioning Circles, and connected WUU to the Cluster and Southern Region on Zoom calls. He initiated many of the changes incorporating new board members and analyzed many aspects of WUU through his colorful charts. Thank you also to Les for serving.

Board meetings are open to the congregation, in person or by Zoom (see the monthly calendar for the board meeting Zoom link). The Board makes 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting available for comments. In addition, board members can be contacted by email (