January 2023 Updates from the W&M UU Circle

by Ellie Ransom, W&M UU Circle Co-chair

The Unitarian-Universalist Circle has had some exciting events recently. On the evening of Sunday, December 4th, we held an intergenerational drum circle. There were about 20 of us of all ages. Led by the wonderful Sound Wellness professor Sandy Layman, we had so much fun drumming in community,

Later in December, club leaders Ellie, Maddie and Laura “tabled” in Sadler, the main student center at William and Mary. We spent 3 hours handing out liberal pins and spiritual stickers, offering free divination and tarot readings, and spreading info about Unitarian Universalism. So many people stopped by, leaving with goodies and new ideas of their future! It was such a lovely thing to do amidst the stress of finals season.

We also put together care bags for homeless people. We filled bags with water bottles, lots of nutritious snacks, a hand-written note, and hand-knitted hats donated by a student from the Crochet and Knitting club!! Some of the bags we donated to a local shelter, and others we are keeping in our cars to hand out to people in need that we pass by.