UUA Online Leadership Courses (Scholarships Available for WUUs)

The WUU Leadership Development Team encourages potential new and seasoned leaders to consider one of the UUA’s online Leadership courses.

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) recommends congregations view leadership development as part of faith development. Every leader benefits from basic skills such as healthy communication, systems thinking, spiritual grounding and an understanding of the dynamics of conflict. Each of these courses help develop these skills.

If you are interested in taking one or more of the Leadership courses listed below, please click on this link to submit your request: Online UUA Leadership Course form. Each course has a $30 fee. WUU has 10 scholarships available for any one of these courses on a first-come first-serve basis.

Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership:
Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership offers deep spiritual grounding for all leaders. Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders. It is an orientation and practice by which every one of us creates, sustains, and restores Beloved Community. In this training, individuals and teams are introduced to Spiritual Leadership and its five practices for UU congregations. View syllabus.

Centered Leadership: (Similar content to ExLE offered last Spring.) Centered Leadership 1 and 2 take about 16-20 hours each. Together, they are equivalent to a week-long leadership school.

  • Centered Leadership Part 1:
    For new leaders and those interested in possible leadership. Covers covenant, healthy communication and boundaries, shared ministry, and stewardship. Also provides an introduction to congregational polity, UU theologies, and the wider UU movement. View syllabus.
  • Centered Leadership Part 2:
    Includes family and other systems thinking applied to congregations. Learn healthy leadership practices, communication and conflict skills, the importance of being mission focused and how to communicate across differences. View syllabus.

Strategic Leadership:
Develop a deeper understanding of how to focus your congregation on mission, build trust and develop a cohesive leadership team. Learn about stewardship, strategic planning, annual goal setting and ministry The fourth in our suite of Leadership Development Trainings, Strategic Leadership is for board members, staff, program council members, ministry executive teams, finance committees, bylaws review committees, strategic planning committees, committees on ministry and any other leaders who need to think strategically. View UULI Syllabus Strategic Leadership syllabus.

Having healthy, vital and thriving congregations has never been more important to the future of Unitarian Universalism. Join a community of learners and leaders in building the skills, wisdom
and cultures that will serve our faith and our congregations.

Questions? Email Leadership@WUU.org (Kerry Mellette and Pat Russo co-chairs)