Lizbeth Dye was born up north in a small New Jersey town called Budd Lake. Liz recalls lots of fun being on a lake, ice skating, swimming and boating. Liz attended Katharine Gibbs Business school in New York and after graduating she married and moved to Northern Virginia. After several years as a stay at home mom/wife, Liz went to work for Control Data Corporation in Rockville, Maryland. A job transfer to Hampton brought Liz and son Bryan down south. Within a year Dennis, her now husband, took a job in Williamsburg as Food/Beverage Director at the Patrick Henry Inn. When Control Data began an employee lay off, Liz went to work at the Williamsburg Presbyterian Church. Many friends were made and the years flew by. Deciding to take some time off to travel and have a great time being a grandmother, Liz retired. Soon many life events shook her faith in organized religion and led to a search of soul and of outlook on religion.

QIGONG classes offered by WALT brought Liz to WUU– just attending these classes gave a feeling of peace and comfort. Discussions with David Hamilton and an invitation to attend services began a wonderful journey of service, classes and activities. A major decision was made and Liz recently joined WUU. She looks forward to many years with this wonderful spiritual family.