Welcome to WUU News!

Dear WUUs,

I’m delighted to introduce you to WUU’s newest publication: WUU News. This new email publication will come out once or twice a month, featuring timely articles and reflection pieces by congregational staff and leaders. We want to inspire you, inform you about what’s happening in the congregation, and help you stay connected. 

For some time now, staff and leaders have been talking about how to improve the monthly newsletter. WUU News is what we’ve come up with! We’re excited that this new format will allow us to publish longer articles with less delay between writing and publication, so that time-sensitive news will reach you quickly. WUU News will now carry most of the content you’re used to seeing in the monthly newsletter: columns by me and our board president, profiles of new members, and other long-format articles. 

Meanwhile, the weekly Spiral emails will keep coming out as usual, to keep you up to date with information about the coming week at WUU as well as all sorts of announcements. 

If you are a congregational leader who would like to submit content for publication, wonderful! Please continue to email your articles and announcements to Cortney at office@wuu.org as usual. Because the publication schedule will be more fluid now, you won’t be receiving monthly reminders of newsletter deadlines anymore. Just send us what you have, when you have it, and we’ll get it published as soon as possible. 

You may also be used to accessing back issues of the monthly newsletter on our website. With WUU News, each article will be archived individually on the website at https://wuu.org/news/wuunews/.

We’re also figuring out how to help print subscribers to the monthly newsletter stay connected with this new format. For the time being, we will be printing copies of WUU News articles and mailing them out on a monthly basis. 

Have questions about the new WUU News format? Please get in touch with me or Communications Team chair Dave Wilcox at communications@wuu.org. We’ll be happy to respond as best we can. Thanks for reading!

In faith,

Rev. Laura