Worship Calendar

Sunday, March 19, at 10:00 am: “The Power of Myths and Stories,” led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke, Guest Worship Leader

Stories shape the way we view the world. We think that logical facts and figures shape what we believe but, really, it is stories. “True” or not they speak to something deep within our core that reinforces or disrupts how we experience the world and how we give meaning to it.

Rev. Aileen Fitzke is the minister at the UU Congregation of Sterling VA. She is a writer, storyteller and doll maker. She lives with her spouse Karl and her sister Trish in Herndon, VA. She has two grown sons, Nick and Joe, who live in Philadelphia. She tries to create beauty through planting gardens. Her yard is a certified wildlife sanctuary because she loves birds, squirrels, deer and foxes.

Sunday, March 26, at 10:00 am: “Things Fall Apart,” led by Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig, Minister

The second law of thermodynamics says that everything in the universe is moving toward disorder and chaos. Or does it? Today we explore the theology of entropy–or in other words, how are we to live well when the universe is breaking down all around us?