WUU Hospitality Ministry Officially Goes into Effect October 7th!

The September beta test of this new ministry is drawing to an end, giving the coordinators and team leaders the opportunity to try it out. Thanks to all who helped with that.

Now it officially begins with Team 1 taking the reins for October. If you are on Team 1, we hope you will be part of this, offering to join in however it works for you. This is an opportunity to get to know fellow WUU members and friends, welcome newcomers, and have fun sharing in the work of our congregation.

If you are not on Team 1, just sit back and enjoy participating in the services of the month. You may have done some of these tasks in the past and wish to offer your expertise. This is well and good, but please permit the team members to take over their tasks of the morning and do what they have volunteered to do.

If you have not received a letter inviting you to a Hospitality Team, please let us know at hospitality@wuu.org. You will be sent information about this ministry, an invitation to join a specific team and the name of the team leader, with contact information.

Already, there is a new sense of excitement and energy. May it continue to be so as all members, friends and guests experience this warm, enthusiastic welcome, as worshippers and team doers.

The Hospitality Ministry Coordinators (Dave Neiman, Donna Stanford, Lola Warren, Dave Wilcox, and Carolyn Wilson)