WUU President’s Report

By Jessica O’Brien

February 5, 2020

January was a tough month for WUU and the Board. We are all mourning the loss of a dear friend and tireless worker, Doug Hansen, our Board Vice-President, who died on January 29th after a sudden, unexpected medical event. Our hearts go out to his wife Helen at this difficult time. A memorial service will take place on Sunday, February 16th, at 3:00pm to celebrate his amazing life. Doug, we miss you!

This month, the Board is very thankful that Dave Banks has resumed his post as Treasurer now that our new Financial Assistant, Felicity Montgomery, has started at WUU. Our sincere thanks go out to Dave for filling in during the search for a new Financial Assistant–and for helping to train Felicity.

The Board approved a new “wUUride Policy” which will provide valet services in our parking lot to enable easier access to the Sanctuary primarily for those with physical disabilities. This service “supports the WUU’s desire to have a campus that is welcoming and affords safety.” Stay tuned for more information and watch for the roaming golf cart on Sundays.

Each month, other than during the summer, the Board reviews one of our six Strategic Goals by inviting members of the relevant committees to come and report their progress. In January, Rev. Laura reported on Strategic Goal #1:  We will offer a comprehensive and spiritually diverse program of small group ministries and other faith development opportunities for all ages. She reported that:

– There are five Soul Matters groups at this time, and she will be looking for a new coordinator this spring. Interested?

– The Membership Committee has introduced the new Starting Point curriculum for new UUs.

– The Leadership Development Team has helped to plan an Extended Leadership Experience led by the UUA Southern Region staff, consisting of four day-long sessions with nearly twenty WUUs participating alongside UUs from the six other Tidewater Cluster congregations.

– The Middle Hour programming is going well, with “The Next Question” program, organized by Jessica Sapalio, presenting videos and discussing racial justice on 1st and 3rd Sundays, and a “Drop-In Soul Circle” of reflection and conversation on “the big questions” led by Rev. Laura on 2nd Sundays. Do you have ideas for other adult programming? Let Rev. Laura know.

– The Senior Companions group started meeting monthly this winter, led by Lee Hougen and Wayne Moyer, offering presentations and discussions on current issues related to aging. Over 40 people are attending and all are welcome.

The Finance Committee is working on our projected 2020-21 congregational year budget and have been designing our new Annual Giving Campaign to fund that budget. Vicki Hall will be taking over as Treasurer in May as Dave Banks finishes his second term in that position.

The Board Safety Task Force has been preparing a door security policy over the past months, endeavoring to ensure everyone’s safety in these unsettled times while remaining welcoming to congregation members and the community. We hope to complete this task next month and will report back to the congregation.

We are looking for delegates to attend the June 24-28, 2020, UUA General Assembly taking place in Providence, Rhode Island–either in person or as off-site delegates. WUU will pay the registration fee. GA is a very exciting event, with many interesting workshops (far more than anyone could attend), wonderful guest speakers, plenary sessions where delegates vote on UUA officers, official UUA policy statements regarding social justice issues, and future topics for study and action. It’s an exciting time! There are also great programs for youth who attend.

And this month the Board tasked Roger Baldwin, our long-time WUU By-laws expert, to convene a By-laws Task Force to bring the current by-laws up to date, and an Endowment Task Force to update Endowment policies. This is a busy time!

Finally, by the time you receive this report, the congregation will have elected new Board members to start their terms on May 1st, and a few new congregational committee members as well.  Thus the wheel turns, and a new year begins.