Maddie Farris and Grace Morales Illuminate Unitarian Universalist Spirituality

by Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education

In a brilliant showcase of dedication and collaborative spirit, Maddie Farris and Grace Morales recently orchestrated a captivating divination reading event for the Unitarian Universalist (UU) Circle at the College of William and Mary. Their exceptional efforts and leadership played a pivotal role in creating an inclusive and engaging experience for both seasoned members and newcomers to the UU faith.

Maddie Farris, with her eloquence and passion, initiated the evening with a heartfelt introduction to Unitarian Universalism. Her ability to articulate the core principles set a welcoming tone, fostering an atmosphere where diversity and open-mindedness thrived.

Teaming up with Grace Morales, Maddie presented various divination methods, offering a thoughtful approach to accommodating diverse spiritual preferences. The one-on-one divination sessions facilitated by both Maddie and Grace allowed participants to connect with their spirituality in meaningful ways, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience for all involved.

The success of the event was remarkable, with over 30 individuals new to the Unitarian Universalist Circle joining the community. Maddie and Grace’s inclusive approach and warm leadership styles were evident as they skillfully guided conversations and fostered a sense of belonging among attendees.

Throughout the evening, Maddie and Grace navigated the complexities of Unitarian Universalism with grace, emphasizing its commitment to social justice and the inherent worth of every individual. Their dedication to creating a welcoming environment not only enriched the existing community but also expanded the UU Circle with a diverse array of perspectives.

In conclusion, Maddie Farris and Grace Morales’ outstanding efforts in hosting the divination reading event reflect their commitment to the values of Unitarian Universalism. Their passion for inclusivity and spirituality truly shines through, and I commend both Maddie and Grace for a job exceptionally well done.