WUU News

March 2024 WUU Board Report

  This month’s board report is a group report—about the Board’s upcoming decision on which ministry to seek after completing the interim term (below; by Linda Lane-Hamilton, current Board president); about the current financial situation of WUU by treasurer Vicki Hall (read to the end of the report please!); with the passage of revised bylaws, about the work now being done to compile, review, and enhance Board policies (by Board member Pat Russo, policies task force chair); and about the congregational meeting completed Feb. 18 (by Board secretary Les Solomon).  Selecting the Next Ministry for WUU (and Links to UUA…

WUU’s Policy Board

by Pat Russo, WUU Board In August 2013, WUU’s Board adopted the WUU Policy on Governance which is based on Dan Hotchkiss’s book Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership. This Board reaffirmed this policy in May 2015. WUU Philosophy of Governance (Policy) The Williamsburg Unitarian Universalist congregation elects a board to function as its governing body and a minister to serve as its spiritual, programmatic, and administrative leader. Therefore, the WUU Board intends to govern primarily by       Discerning and articulating the congregation’s mission and vision of ministry,       Setting goals, making strategic choices, and ensuring…

Annual Congregational Meeting

by Les Solomon, WUU Board Secretary Last Sunday, after the worship service almost 80 members met to decide on two important topics: Election of persons to represent us and consider the adoption of the revised WUU bylaws.   Our Nominations Committee presented their slate of candidates and there were no new nominations that came from the meeting attendees. As a result, we were able to elect all of the slate by acclamation. All of the persons are newly elected with the exception of Les Solomon, elected for a second year as Board Secretary. Board members will begin their terms in May…

A Look at Our Financial Health

by Vicki Hamilton Hall, WUU Treasurer One of the duties of the Treasurer is to provide financial reports to the board each month. The most recent monthly reports are for January – I know it seems like a long time ago but as I write this February isn’t over. In addition to an Income and Expense Statement and a Balance Sheet, Felicity prepares a Financial Dashboard Report. This is a report recommended by UUA because it shows trends, so provides a good overview. Here are two parts of the report –  Trend Analysis – shows the overall year-to-date for income…

December Bad Art Games Night

by Austen Petersen, Director of Religious Education In December, our fantastic Bad Art Games Night for children was an incredible success, drawing a lively and well-attended crowd. The air buzzed with laughter and creativity as kids unleashed their artistic flair in unconventional ways. A heartfelt thank you to the brilliant Kate McGaw, whose enthusiasm and dedication brought this event to life. Here’s to Kate and the young artists who made our Bad Art Games Night an unforgettable celebration of creativity and community. Over a dozen children gathered at our congregation to have fun with the idea of Bad Art. We…

Welcome to the Gifts of Justice & Equity

by the Soul Matters Sharing Circle team Here we go again. Another injustice. Even more inequity exposed. So much pain. So many issues. So little equality. And so, so many people with certainty. I wish I had it. Don’t you? The crystal-clear clarity of who’s right and who’s wrong. Every aspect of their argument neatly lined up. Nothing at all left to doubt. But when I wake, so much ambivalence shares my bed. So weary am I of having to announce my position right away. So worried about my limited view. So concerned that my people will no longer consider…

Social Justice: Living Our Values

by David Wilcox & Jessica Sapalio, WUU Social Justice Chairs Our WUU mission calls us to serve our members and friends, Greater Williamsburg, liberal religion, and the global community and to work toward justice for all. One of the ways we live that commitment is through our social justice ministry. As SJ Co-Chairs, we support the WUU SJ leaders who actively coordinate that ministry. Here is a list of the current WUU social justice programs. Share the Plate – Twice a month, WUU directs the entire Sunday service offering to support non-profit, generally local, human service organizations that provide much-needed…

February 2024 WUU Presidents’ Report

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, president; Pat Russo, vice-president Thank you for helping the Board revise the bylaws The Board held four information sessions with more than 30 WUU congregants to discuss the proposed bylaws—and has made a number of changes as a result. The Bylaws Committee (Chris Faia, chair, and Lola Warren), the Board task force (Linda Lane-Hamilton, Pat Russo, Phoebe Kent, and Les Solomon) and the entire Board thank all that participated in these sessions. Here is the link to the most recent proposal. Note that the non-discrimination statement has been reinstituted and the Board roles reorganized, among many changes….

January 2024: Welcome, New Members!

From July 2023 to January 2024, five people became members of WUU. We will recognize them during the worship service on February 4, 2024. Get to know our newest members by reading their bios below, and be sure to offer them a warm welcome to the community! Cynthia Abbott Being an Army brat, then married to a US Public Health officer, I’ve moved around quite a bit in my life, living most recently in Florida, Kansas, and Alabama. My husband and I moved to Williamsburg in the fall of 2019, following our daughter and son-in-law when they moved here. Since…

Welcome to the Gift of Liberating Love

by the Soul Matters Sharing Circle team Love, it sits in the chest, at least at the start. It’s what makes our heart beat again after being broken, and our lungs breathe again after being closed off in the dark for far too long. For some, it came in the form of our grandfather’s eyes which saw us as carriers of something bigger and more precious and older than our little bodies disclosed. For others, it arrived as we pressed hard against our mothers’ warm skin and heard a speechless whisper say we can always come home. We recognize love…