April 2024 WUU Board Report

by Linda Lane-Hamilton, WUU Board President

It’s both decision time and transition time for the current WUU board.

This has been a year of transition into interim ministry and new initiatives. Now, in April, the Board is in transition as the current board terms end and the new board begins on May 1.

But the current board has several major decisions left—the important one being the vote on applying to the UUA’s developmental ministry program for 2025, after Rev. Michelle’s two years with us ends.

As a reminder, board members presented information to the congregation about “developmental ministry” and explained why they support such ministry. They held two information sessions, one after the service March 21 and a Zoom session with the Charlottesville UU developmental minister. Here is a link to the slides used for the congregational information session.

At the April 2 board meeting, board members will also discuss the following items:

  • The Annual Giving campaign–with co-chairs Lola Warren and Allen Cooke
  • Governance Committee proposal and approval of a charter (second reading) that defines the role of this committee “to help the board maintain high standards of performance in its governance practices, its meeting practices, its covenantal expectations of Board members” (Pat Russo)
  • Proposed revised Finance Committee charter for discussion and approval in May (Franz Gross)
  • Policies for the Safety Committee, whose charter was approved last year (Les Solomon)

Board members whose terms are ending April 30 are Katrina Landon, Kerry Mellette, Pat Russo, and Melissa Stump. Their knowledge, experience and generosity of service have been important to WUU as this board has engaged in significant foundational and congregational work to prepare WUU for the future.

New board members are Helen Hansen, president; Deb Fabian, vice-president; Eva Burke (1-year term); Linda Cole; joined by returning board members Franz Gross, Phoebe Kent, Linda Lane-Hamilton, Les Solomon (secretary), Angela Surber.



Contact the WUU Board President: boardpresident@wuu.org