October 9, 2022: “Listening, A Way to Courageously Care for Each Other”


We are committed to being an antiracist, anti-oppressive congregation. We celebrate people of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations. We honor our spiritual connection to the earth and all living things. 

Before the service: You may light a candle for the joys and sorrows in your heart.
Please respect those seeking silence.


Susan Walkley, Worship Associate
Katrina Landon & Leslie Fabian

“When the Wind Blows,” written & performed by Tret Fure

Welcome & Greeting
Susan Walkley

Come, come, whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Whatever your image of the Holy,
Your presence here is a gift.
All are worthy, all are welcome.

Call to Worship
Rev. Janna Roche, Worship Leader

Opening Hymn
“Freedom,” written & led by Tret Fure

Lighting the Chalice
Words by Bets Weinecke

May this flame,
symbol of transformation since time began,
fire our curiosity,
strengthen our wills,
and sustain our courage
as we seek what is good within and around us.

Wisdom Story
“The Rabbit Listened,” by Cori Doerrfeld
Kaya O’Brien-James

Blessing the Children
SLT #413 “Go Now in Peace,” by Natalie Sleeth (adapted)

Go now in peace, go now in peace.
May the spirit of love surround you.
Everywhere, everywhere, you may go.

Greetings from the Endowment Committee
Ann Tetrault, Endowment Committee Chair

From the Heart
Wayne Moyer

Meditation & Prayer, Sung, Spoken & Silent
Susan Walkley

Sharing Our Gifts
Online Giving
Text-to-Give: 757-500-0688
In-Person Giving: Place offerings in the dropbox in the Gathering Hall.

Your offering today will go to the WUU Endowment Fund. Reviving an annual Endowment Committee Share the Plate tradition, WUU members and friends join to celebrate the importance of the Endowment Fund for the long-term health of the congregation. All gifts are tax deductible, with the principal invested for capital growth. Cash/checks are welcome at any time to signify memorable dates and events. Please send donations c/o the Endowment Fund to the WUU office. Additionally, thirty WUUs have made Legacy gifts (and we encourage more) that are pledges of a future gift through one’s will or estate plan. See the Endowment Fund handout for further information.

In the spirit of Sunday’s service to care for one another, all are encouraged to contribute in building WUU’s future as Williamsburg’s foremost liberal religious community. Thank you.

Offertory Music
“The Rain,” written & performed by Tret Fure
Featuring pictures of artwork from the WUU Fall Arts Festival

“The Cricket,” by Sacinandana Swani
Susan Walkley

“Listening, A Way to Courageously Care for Each Other”
Rev. Janna Roche

Closing Hymn
“In This Circle,” written & led by Tret Fure

Extinguishing the Chalice
Susan Walkley

We extinguish this flame,
but not the bright light of truth,
the welcoming warmth of community,
or the crackling fire of commitment.
These we carry in our hearts
until we are gathering courage together again.

Rev. Janna Roche

James Sudbury, piano

SLT=Gray Hymnal | STJ=Teal Hymnal

Post-service conversation on Zoom: Zoom participants are invited to stay online for virtual social time.

New to WUU? Welcome! Learn more about WUU and Unitarian Universalism by visiting wuu.org/about/.