Gathering Safely in an Evolving Pandemic

Dear WUU Community,

As we celebrate the winter holidays as a congregation, here are a couple of reminders and requests to help us continue to gather safely as the Covid pandemic continues to evolve.  

  • If you have any symptoms of illness, or are feeling unwell in general–even if it’s just a runny nose or a slight cough–please stay home and participate online. And please get tested for Covid as soon as possible, for your own safety and to reduce the risk of infecting others. 
  • Get a booster shot if you are eligible. 
  • Remember, too, that despite the normal human urge to get close, touch, shake hands with, or hug one another, we all have various comfort levels and definitions of personal space, especially with Covid concerns. Please remember to ask before reaching out or simply keep some distance and refrain from physical contact.

The Reopening Task Force is paying close attention to the Omicron variant, which is much more contagious than Delta and almost certainly already present in Williamsburg. But there is still a lot we don’t know about how this variant will behave. We’ll probably know more in a couple of weeks. Therefore, at the beginning of January, we will be consulting with the Public Health Advisory Task Force on any updates that may be needed to WUU’s current safety guidelines

As always, we welcome your feedback (email us at and sincerely thank you for your cooperation as we move forward together. We look forward to celebrating the holidays together with you, whether in person or online. 

In faith and with love,

WUU Reopening Task Force
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig
Kerry Mellette
Austen Petersen
Susan Walkley
Lola Warren
Dave Wilcox