January 5, 2022: Updates to Covid Safety Precautions

Dear WUU Community,

Once again the Covid pandemic is leading us to temporarily change course in the interest of public safety. Due to the Omicron surge in our area, Sunday morning worship will remain online-only through the end of January. Each week we’ll have one worship leader Zooming from the WUU Sanctuary. Everyone else is asked to participate from home. 

We plan to reopen the sanctuary for hybrid worship as soon as our Public Health Advisory Task Force believes it’s safe enough to do so. The Reopening Task Force will be consulting with the public health team on Jan. 24, and we will share another update soon after that. 

The WUU campus remains open at other times. Groups may meet inside at WUU with the following precautions in place:

  • All in-person participants must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. This is a new requirement for all indoor gatherings at WUU, not just worship services.
  • Participants must also remain masked and distanced.
  • No food or drink is permitted. 
  • All groups must reserve meeting space in advance; contact Rachel McCabe at office@wuu.org to make your reservation. 

Groups may also continue to meet outdoors by reservation. Organizers are asked to communicate to participants in advance what the safety protocols for the gathering will be.

As always, we welcome your feedback (email us at reopening@wuu.org) and appreciate your cooperation as we move forward together. We look forward to seeing you on Sundays online, and hopefully back in the sanctuary soon as well.

In faith and with love,

Your Reopening Task Force
Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig
Kerry Mellette
Austen Petersen
Susan Walkley
Lola Warren
Dave Wilcox

And your WUU Board
Dave Banks
Allen Cooke
BethAnne Klaver
Katrina Landon
Kerry Mellette
Jessica O’Brien
Ben Puckett
Melissa Stump
Bruce Thomas