March 3, 2022: WUU Update on Sunday Mornings & Masks

In light of the CDC’s new guidance on masking, the WUU Board and Reopening Task Force are pleased to announce some updates to WUU’s masking guidelines. Effective immediately, masking will now be optional on Sunday mornings on campus, except for while singing. 

We’ve been encouraged to see Covid case rates continuing to fall in the Williamsburg area. In light of these trends, you are now welcome to unmask or keep your mask on at Sunday worship, whichever you prefer.

If you choose to unmask, please do bring a well-fitting mask with you, since we will be masking up to sing hymns. To the best of our knowledge, singing still carries a much greater risk of Covid transmission than speaking or just breathing normally, but masking works well to mitigate the risk.

We will also be looking at updates to our guidance on masking beyond Sunday mornings, vaccinations, etc. For now, all other current safety guidelines remain in effect, but please stay tuned for another announcement coming soon.