Planning Our Return to Campus: Update from the Board

As your WUU board, we have devoted a lot of time and effort to developing a framework for our on-campus activities based on “Levels of Concern” determined by criteria based on metrics of disease prevalence, spread, and other factors. Within each level of concern, our guidelines will identify acceptable degrees of physical gathering, alternative means of carrying out our WUU mission, and required precautions to limit spread of the virus. We developed these guidelines based on very helpful guidance from the UUA and our Public Health Advisory Task Force. We approved this framework at our April meeting last week. We encourage you to read through the framework.

Based on the metrics in our counties, we are currently in the “Yellow” level (now that new cases have finally begun to come down again). This means that Sunday services will continue to occur online, but that outdoor gatherings of up to 50 people and small indoor meetings can take place (with prior scheduling and safety protocols in place, available here). Most staff will continue to work from home, and those that work from the office will continue masking and distancing. Access to the building will be limited to these uses and other essential services. The bathrooms may be used as part of outdoor gatherings or small indoor meetings.

We will be holding a Cafe Conversation after the service on Sunday May 16 to go over the framework and answer any questions you may have. Please join us.

Importantly, the “Levels of Concern” indicate what we can do, but it will still take us time to prepare, transition and decide what we will do at each level. Thankfully, we have a Reopening Task Force organized by Rev. Laura that is working on these important details. Please look for a congregational survey coming soon to ask you about your needs and hopes for regathering in person.

Thank you for your continued patience throughout the process. We know that some of you prefer that we take things slower or more cautiously, while others are ready for more in-person contact. Please know that we carefully considered the risks and scientific evidence as well as our congregation’s spiritual and mental health. The spirit of our WUU congregation centers on caring for one another and the world around us. Though we must limit most physical contact for a while longer, we are grateful for the online community that continues to sustain us. We look forward to a summer of more outdoor gatherings, and a future when we’ll be able to regather in our beloved sanctuary.