Our Place in the World of Religion, Part II (Audio and Video)

Part II of a Lifespan Faith Development Program
September 28, 2008

(View Part I)

Description:  Churches can be pretty insular institutions, particularly in relation to other religions. Fortunately, UUs have a more open sensibility about other religions. We have some distance to go, though, in bringing that sensibility into how we cultivate our own collective spiritual life. This three-part program aimed to enable a basic literacy about the current state of spirituality and religion in our world. This is essential for every member of our community, as a foundation for the deeper dialogue about spirituality to which we aspire.

The second session provided insight into possible reasons for the decline in church attendance in the United States and internationally. Reverend Preston Moore led the session and spoke for about 25 minutes. The session ended with a full group discussion.

The full content of the session is available in audio and video:

Full video of the session including Reverend Moore’s powerpoint presentation and discussion (.mov file, 81 mb, Quicktime needed)

Full audio of the session including Reverend Moore’s presentation and discussion (.mp3 file, 10 mb)

Narrated PowerPoint Presentation
(NOTE: The first slide includes the introduction so takes 5 minutes.)
