WUU Caring Ministry Team
Everyone at WUU is involved in caring by offering each other companionship and treating each other with compassion and respect. In addition to the benefits of being part of a community, we also offer our Caring Ministry Team.
The Caring Team offers a range of short-term, practical, supportive services such as rides, meals, help with errands to those recovering from illness or welcoming a new baby, and periodic “how are you” calls. The Caring Team relies on volunteers who are committed to lending a helping hand! Our program does not offer professional expertise—e.g., psychological, legal, medical, or financial services or advice. We may be able to make referrals or offer suggestions about where to find experts. Contact the team by emailing caring@wuu.org.
If you are facing an emergency situation and need help right away, call (757) 220-6830 and press 9. Your call will be automatically transferred to our pastoral care team.
If you do not need immediate emergency assistance but would like to get connected with help, please email the Caring Team at caring@wuu.org.