Celebrating the Arts
WUU celebrates the arts in all forms - music, painting, drawing, mixed media, sculpture, acting, narration, and writing including poetry, fiction, and more. We enjoy having professional musicians, singers, and voice actors in our midst and all those who savor and appreciate the arts and the spirit they bring to our lives. We have periodic services with our member musicians, composers, and writers. We have people following the Creativity Matters packets in Soul Matters groups. In 2023 two groups of WUUs and friends went through the Artist’s Way book in monthly meetings. Our next Art Show will be April and May 2025! It will explore the Soul Matters themes of Joy and Imagination. See below for more information.
WUU Celebrates the Arts 2025!
Themes: Joy and Imagination
The Arts involve skill and imagination to create objects, environments and experiences. This spring at WUU we will celebrate two categories of the arts:
Visual Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Ceramics, Drawing, Photography
Performance Art: Poetry, Prose, Dance, Music (vocal, instrumental)
This experience is open to all WUUs of all ages. What talents can you share?
During April and May the Sanctuary and Gathering Hall will feature visual art created by WUU members and friends. Morning worship may also feature performance art—special gifts of words, music and dance shared by members of our congregation. In May, a special evening event will feature performance art (music, the written word, dance) created and shared by our own WUU members and friends. Offerings will illustrate the Soul Matters topics, “Joy and Imagination.”
For more information please contact aesthetics@wuu.org.
WUU Artwork Loan Project
Our Gathering Hall features artwork on loan to WUU. Artwork loans will rotate every two months. If you are interested in exhibiting at WUU, please review the two agreements below. If you or someone you know is interested in purchasing artwork in the exhibit, contact the office manager who keeps a contact information file of art loan artists.
WUU Artist Pat Winter created this spiral, which stands at the front of our Sanctuary. Every Charter Sunday in February, the oldest and youngest person present install another bolt together to signify another year of community at WUU.