There are many ways to give.

Supporting WUU

  • Pledge

    The pledges from our members during the Annual Giving Campaign and throughout the year are crucial to meeting our operating costs, maintaining our beautiful building and campus, and paying the salaries of our beloved staff. Learn how to submit your pledge for 2024-2025 or 2025-2026.

  • Endowment Fund

    The Endowment Fund was proposed by a group of WUU members and established by congregational vote in 1996. Its goal, then and now, is to assure the future of WUU as a liberal religious community. It reflects WUU's desire to sustain our community for future generations. Learn more.

  • Weekly Offering

    On the first Sunday of each month, the offering received during the worship service goes to the WUU general operating fund. On the second and fourth Sunday, the entire offering is donated to a local charitable organization aligned with our mission. The third Sunday’s collection goes toward paying down our mortgage. The fifth Sunday’s collection goes to the Minister’s Charitable Giving Fund, which is used to meet urgent needs of individuals or families within our congregation.

  • Other WUU Funds

    From our annual auction to our monthly Baker’s DUUzen bake sales, you can support WUU by making an online contribution to one or more of our designated funds. Thank you for your support and generosity!

  • Text-to-Give

    Support WUU via text by sending a text message to (757) 500-0688. If this is your first time using Text-to-Give, you will receive a link to provide your payment method. Once you have entered this information, you can quickly donate by text anytime. Simply text (757) 500-0688, and as your text message, enter the amount you are donating plus the word for the associated fund. Contact if you have any questions.