The Spiral
Weekly Eblast

WUU News

Rachel McCabe Rachel McCabe

Welcome to the Practice of Story

It’s dangerous to tell yourself stories are tame. To treat them as something that lives only between the covers of a book. As something that can be easily kept on a shelf, taken down and put back up as we see fit. Stories are wilder than that. And more powerful.

This month is all about remembering that power.

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Rachel McCabe Rachel McCabe

Welcome to the Practice of Presence

The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.

Henry Miller

Spiritually, presence can mean two quite different things. On the one hand, contemplatives talk of “being present.” Presence from this perspective is all about awareness and remembering to “live in the moment.” On the other hand, theologians tend to come at presence from the perspective of a hidden and divine “otherness.” Their concern is not just that we pay attention to the present moment, but that we notice a transcendent Presence woven through all moments.

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Rachel McCabe Rachel McCabe

For WUU Families: The Practice of Presence

Our December theme is The Practice of Presence. In the month of December, with all the winter holidays and the business that go with them, taking time to explore the practice of presence can be a powerful antidote. We will explore the practice of presence as mindfulness and explore tools of quiet and calm and the practice of presence as a gift we give to others. We will explore the presence of the divine within all of us and how we stay present with things we’d like to avoid, like darkness and grief.

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Rachel McCabe Rachel McCabe

December President’s Report


We promise to serve:

Our members and friends by providing a welcoming, inclusive community to explore and encourage personal and spiritual growth.

Greater Williamsburg by promoting religious, racial and social harmony.

Liberal Religion by embodying Unitarian Universalist values within our congregation and in society at large.

The global community by participating in transformative action to achieve a sustainable and humane world.

My word for this month is GRATITUDE.

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Rachel McCabe Rachel McCabe

December Interim Minister’s Column: Presence

As December unfolds, we are called to reflect on the theme of presence. The holiday season can be a time of great joy, filled with celebrations, family gatherings, and traditions that warm our hearts. But it can also be a time of stress, of unmet expectations, and for some, a deep sense of loneliness or sadness. Amidst the busyness and the emotions that this season brings, the practice of being truly present becomes both a gift and a challenge.

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Rachel McCabe Rachel McCabe

Welcome to the New!

The wait is over, and the redesigned WUU website is live! Allow us to explain a bit about the new website and show you around. 

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