Service Topic, November 30, 2008, text and audio

“Attaining God Likeness” by Margaret Sequeira, Director, LFD
In the world at large, education is about getting knowledge and skills. In the Unitarian Universalist tradition, its importance is of a wholly different order. It is the primary means for the unfolding of all of our powers—the gifts of creatures who are part animal and part deity. Come listen to our new Director of Lifespan Faith Development lead us into a deeper understanding of this keystone in the spiritual architecture of our church.

Call To Worship: Margaret Sequeira

Readings: Excerpt from the sermon “Likeness to God” by William Ellery Channing and excerpt from the essay “Unfolding Our Power” by Rebecca Parker, read by John Hochella

Sermon:“Attaining God Likeness” by Margaret M Sequeira, MTS, Director of Lifespan Faith Development




